Baked Bangus / Baked Milkfish

I’m not sure what it is about Spring, but the moment it starts to warm up and the sun sets a little bit later, it always ignites in me a craving for fresh fish, but living in New York comes with its challenges. The cool weather and the size and ventilation systems of apartments here make frying fish a less-than-ideal option thanks to the lingering smell and the greasy clean-up after! However, I’ve discovered the perfect solution: a mouthwatering recipe for baked milkfish. The oven achieves a crispy exterior without the need for excessive oil, allowing us to relish the delicate flavors of seafood while avoiding unwanted odors.

Let’s explore this oven-friendly method for Baked Bangus while keeping your home fresh and fragrant, and not as fishy.

Baked Bangus / Baked Milkfish

Recipe by MadiCourse: Entree


Prep time


Cooking time






  • 1 milkfish (approximately 350-400 grams)

  • salt and pepper

  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder

  • Avocado oil

  • Fried garlic
  • 10 cloves garlic, minced

  • Avocado oil

  • Marinade
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp soy sauce

  • 1/2 Tbsp calamansi/ lemon juice

  • Dipping sauce
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp white vinegar

  • 1 Tbsp soy sauce

  • 1/2 Tbsp calamansi

  • 1/4 onion, diced (optional)

  • 1/2 tomato, diced (optional)


  • Season fish with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Place fish in a container that’s just tight enough to accommodate its body, I like to use a glass container like this to ensure the marinade doesn’t spill beyond the edges of the fish.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the soy sauce and calamansi juice in a bowl and pour over evenly over the fish to coat its front entirely. Let sit for 45 mins to an hour.
  • Preheat the oven at 350°F. Grease the top of a broiler pan with rack like this with avocado oil. Place the marinated fish on the rack and bake for approximately 30 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, in a small pan, fry the minced garlic in enough avocado oil to cover it. Fry until the garlic turns slightly golden brown, which should take about 3-5 minutes. Once done, strain the fried garlic over a bowl to collect the infused oil for future use.
  • After baking, switch the broiler setting to low and broil the fish for an additional 10 minutes. This will help achieve a crispy outer layer.
  • Sprinkle the fish with the fried garlic, adding a flavorful and aromatic touch. Serve and enjoy your deliciously prepared milkfish.
  • Dipping Sauce:
  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Et voila!


  • If you let the garlic sit for 10 minutes after chopping and before cooking, you activate and keep the compound allicin which is antibacterial, antifungal antiviral and heart healthy.
  • That garlic infused oil can be used for making garlic rice! I like to use olive oil for frying garlic so I can use my garlic infused oil for a simple cabbage salad! Remember that olive oil has a low burn point, so don’t go too crazy on your fire level.
  • Nutritional Information per serving: Calories: 390-450 kcal Protein: 30-35 grams Fat: 15-20 grams Carbohydrates: 8-10 grams Fiber: 1-2 grams Sugar: 2-4 grams Sodium: 1200-1500 mg
  • **Note that these values are estimates and may vary depending on the exact ingredients and brands you use and amount of oil absorbed during frying. The dipping sauce is not included in this nutritional information.

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